28.05.2019 11:43 Il y a : 2 yrs
Catégorie : Veranstaltungen, Aktuelles

4th Thünen Symposium on Soil Metagenomics - Understanding and Managing Soil Microbiomes

11 – 13 December 2019, Braunschweig (D)

Major Topics

The Symposium invites contributions dealing with the diversity, activity and biotic and abiotic interactions of soil microbial communities.

Studies may consider one of the following topics:

• Bioinformatics and statistics

• Spatial scales and gradients

• Metagenomics of the plant microbiome

• Environmental impacts

• Structural and functional diversity

• Soil viruses and protists

• Evolution and adaptations

• Biotech and health solutions from metagenomes

• Soil systems ecology

Call for Abstracts

Authors are invited to submit an abstract (length max. 2,000 characters including spaces) related to one of the major topics. An international review panel will assess the abstracts according to the scientific content and suitability for the conference. Only a limited number of abstracts can be accepted for oral presentation, other accepted contributions would be presented as posters. Each participant should submit one or a maximum of two abstracts. Please note that all abstract authors will be notified about the acceptance of their abstracts by the beginning of November at the latest.

Online submission of abstracts at www.soil-metagenomics.org

Deadline: 10 September 2019

Registration Fees


Early Registration until 31 Oct, 2019 Late Registration from 1 Nov, 2019

Workshop, 11 & 13 Dec, 2019

55 EUR

55 EUR

Conference registration excluding conference dinner

335 EUR

385 EUR

Conference registration including conference dinner, 12 Dec, 2019

365 EUR

415 EUR


